Planting Roses
It is best to plant your new roses in the autumn because the plants come fresh from the field then. The third season of the year is also ideal because the damp earth does not dry out until next spring. This allows the roses to form deep roots and, when the temperatures rise again, to wake up "bright and cheerful" from their winter sleep and to start growing earlier.
The biggest selection, completely fresh
In general, fresh roses are offered for sale in two different forms:
bare root roses, also called "unballed plants", are the cheapest to buy. No wonder: The roots are not covered with earth, they therefore dry out easily and must be planted again quickly. Roses packed in bags are often sold as well. With these the shoots are dipped in wax and earth is pressed around the roots. This is to prevent them from drying out.
The new rose season starts in October. Because the big producers harvest their plants in this month. Regardless of whether you go to your garden centre or order by mail, you can be sure then that you will get the freshest plants. Furthermore, you also have the best selection at this early time. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your favourite sorts have been sold out. In addition, the roots can grow very well and rapidly in the following generally wet months.
The Ideal Place
The soil: Being deep-rooted, roses need a deep soil, it should be sandy and loamy. If it is not, you can improve a light soil with compost, and a heavy soil with sand. In addition, the pH value is important, this being the measurement of the degree of acidity or alkalinity. Roses need a pH value of 5.5 to 7.0 to flower really well. You can use garden lime or an acid fertilizer to correct the value if it should be higher or lower.
Roses do not do equally well in all parts of your garden. A sunny location where there is enough wind is ideal for them. Because too much warmth is extremely stressful for the plants, and it is also more likely that they will attract pests. The wind dries the leaves more quickly and this prevents fungal infections and mildew from developing.
Testing the pH value
This can be done very simply with a test kit from a garden centre. Dig a small hole at the place where you want to plant the roses. Fill the hole with distilled water, this is neutral. Then stick the point of the tester into the mud for a minute. Take the test strip out, wipe it off and see which value is displayed. To be quite certain, repeat the whole thing at two or three other places nearby.
Planting roses correctly
If you bought bare root roses, then give them water for a whole day so that the roots can fill themselves with water.
Cut the stems to around 20 cm in length before planting. This reduces the area for evaporation and retains the water longer in the body of the plant.
When planting, make a mound around the shoots with a layer of earth of around 15 cm in height, and best of all with bark mulch. Then the young plants are well protected against drying out.
After planting them, generously water the area around them. This will help the roots to bind better and faster with the soil.