Soil, Flowers, Vegetables & Snow
Preparation is everything! For that reason WOLF-Garten offers you many practical tools so that your garden will bloom well later and there will be plenty to harvest. And we have just the right thing for you if it snows. Now choose your equipment!

Get a handle on your garden work
Garden Gloves From WOLF-Garten
Now and again you have to dig into the earth in your garden using your hands. But you do not need to get your hands dirty. A pair of garden gloves from WOLF-Garten keeps everything clean and safe. Choose from the various versions for different requirements.

Collect leaves without a great deal of lifting
After the first storms of autumn, the leaves fall from the trees in large quantities. That is at the very latest the time to free gardens and paths of fallen leaves. This can be done quickly and effortlessly with the light yet powerful WOLF-Garten leaf blowers. Choose between a model with a power cord or a replaceable power pack.

Little helpers for your garden
Premium Mini Tools From WOLF-Garten
The small tools from WOLF-Garten are sized correctly so that you can work properly with pot plants and small flowerbeds. Everything from the trowel to the pointer to the weeding trowel - you can easily do a great deal of garden work with these solid tools.

Strong helpers for the cold season
When the winter comes, it not only brings a white coat but also, unfortunately, something not to get excited about: e.g. iced-up windscreens, sheets of ice on the driveway, piles of snow on the footpaths. You can start the coldest season of the year with no worries thanks to the intelligent multi-star® solutions for the winter.

Easy digging
Spades, Shovels & Forks From WOLF-Garten
For all the motorisation that is available nowadays - you still need good old spades, shovels and forks. But of course, the solid and comfortable versions from WOLF-Garten. Whether you need to dig heavy clay soils or use the prongs for good aeration - you can find the right tool for the job here.